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What are people saying about Roger's teaching?

Roger Thisdell online meditation coaching
Roger Thisdell online meditation coaching
Roger Thisdell online meditation coaching
Roger Thisdell online mediation coaching

 Roger has high positive energy which reflects in his being. It is easy to feel connected with him. He properly analyzed all the descriptions I provided him about my meditative experience and helped me with precise next steps. I liked that his advice is more practical and less mystical/superficial!

I definitely recommend Roger if you are stuck on your journey. He will help you untangle your mind and perceive the insights that would significantly accelerate your spiritual progress.

- Vismay (India)

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Meditation/Phenomenology Tutoring

1 hr  video call 

NO GURU HERE – I am deliberately avoiding a hierarchical guru model. There are many obvious pitfalls, falsehoods and deliberate disempowerment traps which come from pedestaling one figure above others. No one human being is beyond fallibility or criticism. In different circumstances, sometimes we are the student and sometimes the teacher. And both the student and the teacher should be open to hearing feedback from each other. I wish that everyone realise their own inner wisdom and what great value they have to offer others.

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